

Welcome to all things trichotillomania and anxiety. Hope you find it helpful while you navigate this disorder.

You are not alone.

The Emotional Effects of Hair Loss

The Emotional Effects of Hair Loss

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Vegamour* asked me to get real about hair loss.

What’s beneath the surface? What happens emotionally?

I dug deep, back to the bullying of middle school up until what happens now as a mom and a woman. Will I influence my daughter? Will my friends notice the gaps in my brows or lashes? Will I ever get my confidence back?

But something I was terrified to do was the one thing that helped dissipate those feelings of shame and loneliness. I hope my trichotillomania story resonates with you or someone you love. You are not alone.

*Vegamour is a cruelty-free, chemical free hair growth company making amazing products. My favorite is VegaBrow. See the quick results (6 days, yes 6! as seen below) and inside scoop about what I love about their brow growth product.

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Lash Extensions & Trichotillomania

Lash Extensions & Trichotillomania

What To Say (And Not Say) To Someone with Trichotillomania

What To Say (And Not Say) To Someone with Trichotillomania